We disclaim responsability for all injuries. Gonflables Minifun is not responsible for incidents involving a product not proprely installed, negligence, an exceeded weight capacity, an inaccurate number of children or an abusive use of our products. For safety purposes, only our subcontractors are authorized to make repairs or to clean the inflatables
We are two young parents and just like you we strive to do everything in order to please our little ones, especially on their birthday.
We are a teacher and an engineer who have decided to start a mini-inflatables rental company in the area.
We have rented inflatable bouncers in the past and we know how far people from Chateauguay have to travel in order to get such structures. Therefore, we decided to bring them to you.
We hope to do business with you soon!
Minifun Inflatables
5 Place de l'Épervier
Chateauguay, Québec
J6K 0A5